Children & Family Events

Are you looking for something to do with your little ones? Check out the wide range of events in our Children's library - the best part is, most of them are free!


Special Events

Save the Date! Earth Day - Tuesday 15 April

Join us for a fun-filled day of activities to celebrate Earth Day! Keep an eye out on this page for more information soon...

Regular events

Baby Bounce and Rhyme

Every Friday, 1pm-1:30pm

For ages 0-12 months

A gentle, social music making session aimed at new parents/carers and their babies.

Wacky Wednesdays

Every Wednesday, 1:30pm-3pm

For ages 0-5 years

A fun interactive stay and play session for children aged between 0 - 5 years. The session ends with story time at 2:45pm.

Bounce and Rhyme

Every Tuesday, 10am-10:30am and 2pm-2:30pm
Every Friday, 11am-11:30am

For ages 1-4 years

Fun and friendly Bounce and Rhyme session aimed at pre-school children and their parents and carers. 

Pre-school groups/Nurseries please note, these sessions can get very busy. We would be happy to do a separate session for your group.

Rat-a-tat Tales

Every Saturday & Sunday, 11am and 3pm

For ages 4-8

Listen out for the rat-a-tat in the Children's library and get involved in interactive stories for your young family.  Storytime is about to begin...


Lego Club

Every Saturday, 10am-11:30am

For ages 4+, fun for all the family

If you and your child love Lego as much as we do, why not come along to our Family Lego and Construction Club?

The club is designed for parents to have fun and engage with their children by building characters and structures from well-known tales. Most construction materials will be suitable for ages 4+.  Places are FREE of charge and you don't need to book, just come along and join in the fun! 

Little Sprouts

Last Sunday of each month, 1:30pm-2:30pm

For ages 4-8 years

An introductory gardening and nature club for families with children aged 4-8. 
Places cost £1 per child and can be booked in advance. Drop-ins on the day are welcome, subject to availability.
Parental supervision is required.

Book your child's place here.

The Illustrated Book Group

First Sunday of each month, 1:30pm-2:30pm

For families with children aged 8-12 years.

Calling all budding young illustrators! Families are invited to design their own book cover, story board or illustrated text while listening to a story for inspiration. Each session will have a different theme to help spark your creativity. 

Book your family's free place here.
Please book 1 ticket per family group. Adult supervision is required.

Self-led Activities

Treasure Hunt

Take part in our popular weekly themed treasure hunts across the children’s library. Just ask a library assistant for details!

Sustainability Trail

The Hive is full of sustainable design features and we have developed a self-guided Sustainability Trail so that you can discover them. 

Borrow a trail map and supporting notes from the pod in the children's library and find out more about The Hive's sustainable features.  There are stickers on the windows/walls at each numbered point around the building. The trail starts in the café on Level 1.

Download trail notes
Download trail maps