Social Connecting
Language Cafes
Aimed at intermediate and advanced language learners who want to improve fluency in English, Italian, German, Spanish and French, these informal monthly gatherings provide a relaxed environment within which to practice your language skills.
It’s free to take part and you don’t need to pre-book
- French and Spanish – Every Monday, 10am-12pm
- New! German - First Tuesday of every month, 10am-12pm
- Italian – Last Tuesday of every month, 10:30am-12:30pm
Health Walk Group
Every Wednesday, 10:30am
Join in with one of two walks (long and short) taking in the local Worcester scenery. Most walks are on flat ground but can include slopes and some steps so please wear sensible shoes. Walks take approximately 1 hour and usually finish with a coffee at a local café.
It's free to join in and you don't need to book, just meet outside The Hive.